Ìgbò Language

Question Words in the Ìgbò

Who? What? When? Where? Why? And How Much?

Here are some useful question words to help you ask the right questions with people in Ìgbò Language.

Where? Ebee?
Where is the phone? Ebee ka ekwe nti m dị?
Where is this? Ebee bu ebea?
When? Mgbe ole?
When is Adaku coming? Kedu mgbe Adaku na-abịa?
When will you travel? Kedu mgbe ị ga-eme njem?
How? Kedu?
How can I get to Warri? Kedu ka m ga-esi garuo Warri?
How is your older brother? Kedu ka nnukwu nwanne gị nwoke mere?
Which? Kedu?
Which land is mine? Kedu ala bụ nke m?
What? Kedu?
What did you do? Kedu ihe ị mere?
Who? Onye?
Who is the traditional leader of this village? Onye bụ onye isi ọdịnala obodo a?
Who did this? Onye mere nke a?
Why? N'ihi gịnị?
Why did he do this? Gịnị mere o ji mee nke a?
Why is there no food? Gini mere nri adighi?

How can you use "how much" to buy things?

How much? Ego ole?
How much is this food? Ego ole bụ nri a?
How much is a ticket to Enugu? Ego ole bụ otu tiketi iji gaa Enugu?

Learn Ìgbò

African Languages on Mofeko

West Africa

- Ìgbò
- Wolof
- Yorùbá

East Africa

- Chichewa (Nyanja)
- Kinyarwanda (Ikinyarwanda)
- Kiswahili

Central Africa

- Chokwe (Wuchokwe)
- Ibinda (Fiote)
- Kikongo
- Lingala
- Tshiluba

Southern Africa

- Malagasy
- Naro (Senaro)
- Nyaneka-Humbi
- Sekaukau
- Setswana (Tswana)
- Shona (chiShona)
- Umbundu (South Mbundu)
- IsiXhosa (Xhosa)
- IsiZulu (Zulu)